The Babushka met a few interesting people clubbing. No one she would ever dream of dating, but interesting none the less.
The most notable had been a young lesbian snorting coke from right off the bar counter. Svetlana had approached the woman inquisitively, in complete disbelief that someone would actually put that little effort into hiding their illegal substances. The woman cocked her head at Svetlana and promptly returned to the small white trail before her. It looked like worm. The Babushka frowned.
"Aren't you scared you will get caught?" The Babushka inquired.
"Naw man fuck that shit," said the girl.
Svetlana nodded approvingly. She did not fuck with hard drugs, but what could she say? The girl had cohones.
After another 35 minutes of aimlessly circling the bar, The Babushka remained unsuccessful. These men were too fruity. She needed someone real, someone tough, like the men back in Ukraine.
The Babushka sighed a heavy sigh and reluctantly decided to return for home, empty handed. As she headed towards the door, she cast one last glance back at the young coke-fiend, who was now grinding her nose forcefully into the bar counter. Maybe the Babushka needed to be more like this girl.
A light bulb flickered in Svetlana's head.
Maybe the Babushka didn't need a man.
Maybe she needed a destiny..
a purpose...
or better yet...
her very own pair of cohones.
At that thought, the Babushka hoisted her retro pink beaded sequined purse over her left shoulder and purposefully strutted out the bar door.
you are very funny, babushka. i hope we can make a sexy time one day. i am a "real man."
Blanket Cobb